

At the end of the Gospel of John there is an interaction that has radically impacted my view of how Jesus intended His followers to change the world.

They all left Jesus when they saw Him on the cross. These disciples felt like we all probably feel when the worst thing imaginable happens. Fear (for their own lives), confusion, frustration, anger, and a little bit of “I have to survive this.”

Jesus’ first followers, the disciples, had gone back to what they knew

Jesus meets several of them there. He makes them breakfast and invites them back to the mission. He showed them He was alive. He demonstrated compassion. It started with Jesus.

Jesus called them originally on the shore.

Jesus called them back on the shore.

He restored, reenergized, and reconnected them to the mission and their Creator.

The shore is where we see earth, water, wind, power on display. It’s equitable. Everyone is welcome on the shore and we each take in its beauty in our own way.

It’s rough and unpredictable but it’s beautiful.

We think that sounds a lot like real life.

  • Shores Church exists to be a community of faith that KNOWS JESUS and makes HIM KNOWN. This means we will often go through books of the Bible verse by verse with lots of context and application to real life. this helps us to learn and apply what we take in. Whether it’s worship, prayer, serving our neighbors, or our coastal communities, we want to be the best representation we can of Jesus in the communities we live in.

  • You can start by emailing us (click the button below) and a member of the Shores team will connect. We don’t pretend to have all the answers but we think that listening can be pretty powerful.

  • Shores Church started with several young families, couples, and friends of Pastor Courtland and Kara. This growing community is representative of the towns that we live in and that will continue to be the main goal.

  • Shores Church meets weekly at 300 Post Road Wells Maine which is right on the border of Ogunquit. We serve people from several coastal communities. We believe that the coastal region is a great place to not only live but also worship and our goal is to make sure life giving, relevant churches will continue on the coast!

The First days

We are grateful for the earliest days of Shores Church. Whether we were meeting in living rooms, office space, or a finished basement, the goal has always been to be a place where people can come and explore what it means to KNOW JESUS and make JESUS KNOWN

Not much has changed except we have a bigger space that we get to rent and parking (no more parking on people’s lawns or down the street!) We are committed to making a big deal out of Jesus and helping people find friendship, connection, and a mission in life forJesus.

For several months Shores church was a Bible study meeting in the homes of generous people in the community. In some cases it was a BYOC policy (Bring Your Own Chair). A lot of laughs, a lot of fun, and it gave us an opportunity to grow together and build a foundation for the future.